What is Torskin
Torskin is a collection of innovative cut-, slash- and stabresistant clothing. The level of protection, you decide yourself. Just like our vests, the focus is on the wearer’s comfort.
Torskin is a product range of Sioen Ballistics, a brand which specializes in state-of-the-art body armour systems. As part of the Sioen Group, we have the necessary experience and know-how to equip you with the protection that suits your needs perfectly.
Sioen Ballistics specializes in the development of outstanding modular armour systems. The focus on offering the highest protection possible, combined with the urge of making our protection as light and comfortable as possible, is the reason behind the strong growth of Sioen Ballistics.
TORSKIN, the next chapter
Sioen Ballistics focused in the first place on bulletproof vests, offering protection against all kinds of guns and riffl es. The elaboration of our ‘Torskin’ range is the next chapter in the Sioen Ballistics story. Torskin is a collection of innovative cut-, slash- and stabresistant clothing. Just like our vests, the focus is on the wearer’s comfort. That’s why we develop lightweight and comfortable clothing that offers optimal protection.
“We guarantee the perfect quality of our products. We’d bet our lives on it”
By adding Torskin to the Sioen Ballistics collection, we can now fully protect our customers. How dangerous your job might be and whatever the risk you might run into while executing your job, we will keep you safe.